Bowling for Columbine
Docschool Online collection
Bowling for Columbine

Bowling for Columbine

Michael Moore
United States
120 min
havo/vwo bovenbouw
Docschool Online
As part of our Docschool Online collection, this film can be made available for teachers for free classroom viewing in the Netherlands.
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IDFA School Program (in English)
Docschool Online
As part of our Docschool Online collection, this film can be made available for teachers for free classroom viewing in the Netherlands.
Read more (in Dutch)
IDFA School Program (in English)
Littleton, Oklahoma, South Central LA, Ground Zero: places in the United States that were "put on the map" as a result of violence. But while the population is in shock, the arms production and the military interference in other countries just goes on. "How paranoid is America?" documentary filmmaker Michael Moore wonders. Is it tradition, history, or just plain fear? Starting with the Columbine tragedy, in which two teens opened fire on their fellow students and teachers before shooting themselves, Moore reflects on the use of violence and weapons in America. In spite of the serious subject matter, he uses an ironic tone to add some lightheartedness to his quest for answers. He pays a visit to the arms factory where some parents of the Columbine students work, he interviews shock-rocker Marilyn Manson and NRA chairman Charlton Heston, he is invited for coffee by the brother of Terry Nichols, who stood trial with Timothy McVeigh for blowing up the government building in Oklahoma, he examines the educational significance of bowling, and he tries to explain the large statistical difference between firearms victims in Canada and the United States. His findings are complemented by archive footage of the security cameras at Columbine High, excerpts from the animated series , and Louis Armstrong's "What a Wonderful World." Moore received an Oscar for this indictment of the arms insanity.
    Michael Moore
    Michael Moore
    Brian Danitz,
    Michael McDonough
    Brian Danitz,
    Michael McDonough
    Michael Moore
    Michael Moore
    Michael Moore for Dog Eat Dog Productions,
    Michael Donovan for Salter Street Films,
    Charles Bishop for Salter Street Films
    Michael Moore for Dog Eat Dog Productions,
    Michael Donovan for Salter Street Films,
    Charles Bishop for Salter Street Films
    Kurt Engfehr
    Kurt Engfehr
    Francisco LaTorre,
    James Demer
    Francisco LaTorre,
    James Demer
    Michael Moore
    Michael Moore
    Jeff Gibbs
    Jeff Gibbs
    Michael Moore
    Michael Moore