Twee vaders
About IDFA
Twee vaders
IDFA 1998

Twee vaders

Two Dads
Ko van Reenen
43 min
Festival history
IDFA Audience Award
Although in recent years the Dutch government has passed or prepared several laws to facilitate adoption and foster parenthood by homosexual couples, there are still many social prejudices against the raising of children by two people of the same gender. Aad and Ron, who are taking care of no less than six foster children, are confronted by this bigotry almost every day. ‘You must be a hairdresser,‘ people say to Ron when they admire the comely braids of his foster daughter Paula (5) — a remark that he thinks will never be made to a biological mother. Things become more harrowing when the father of the multi-handicapped Michael (8), who has been living for almost his entire life with the two men, obstructs adoption on account of the homosexual proclivity of the foster fathers. TWEE VADERS candidly documents one year in the life of Aad and Ron and their foster children.
World Sales
    Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, Algemene Zaken,
    Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, Programma-aankoop & Sales
    Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, Algemene Zaken,
    Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, Programma-aankoop & Sales
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    Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, Programma-aankoop & Sales
    Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, Programma-aankoop & Sales