Obrazy starého sveta
About IDFA
Obrazy starého sveta
IDFA 1994

Obrazy starého sveta

Pictures of the Old World
Dusan Hanák
Czech Republic
64 min
Festival history
In 1972, Dusan Hanak made OBRAZY STARÉHO SVETA, a portrait of a farming community in the barren Carpathian Mountains. Hanak wanted to show the physical and moral strength of these 'primitive people', who hardly ever came into contact with modern achievements. The result is a lyrical film, singing the praises of traditional life. In Hanak's words: "The film is about our grandparents' moral strength and inner beauty, as well as their values, which in modern time are so often lacking. [...] I was fascinated to see that they succeeded in preserving a certain kind of archetype, an ancient form of humanity, a mentality that is slowly disappearing from our civilised world." The Czech authorities considered the film a reactionary pamphlet and consequently put it under lock and key. In 1988, the film was shown for the first time in Czechoslovakia, before being noticed in the West.
Screening copy
    Slovak Film Institute
    Slovak Film Institute