Capturing the Friedmans
About IDFA
Capturing the Friedmans
IDFA 2003

Capturing the Friedmans

Andrew Jarecki
United States
107 min
Festival history
Andrew Jarecki initially planned to make a documentary about birthday clowns, but changed his mind when he discovered that the father and youngest brother of one of the clowns, Silly Billy alias David Friedman, had been sent to prison fifteen years earlier for paedophilia and sexual abuse of young boys. David Friedman disputes these charges to this day. He gave Jarecki the painful home videos that show how schoolteacher Friedman’s family disintegrated in one giant swoop. The contrasts within this cleverly constructed film are intriguing: cheerful Super8 home movies, hysterical shouting, forced hugs, emotional outpourings. The charges against Arnold and his then 18-year-old son Jesse seemed strong: child pornography found hidden behind a piano; numerous ‘testimonies’ by children allegedly raped during computer class. But investigative journalist Debbie Nathan has her doubts: there was no physical evidence and the testimonies were obtained in dubious ways, such as under hypnosis. Many people present conflicting statements, so the facts of the matter, and the truth, remain unclear to the end. As a result of this ambiguity, the documentary has caused a stir in America, but has also earned millions at the box-office.
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