Listening to the Silences
About IDFA
Listening to the Silences
IDFA 2009

Listening to the Silences

Pedro Flores
11 min
Festival history
"Two people inhabited my head; one was me and one was not me." In voice-over, the 82-year-old Welshman Roy Vincent lucidly discusses the voices he used to hear. They told him that his body was chosen to host the spirit of Jesus Christ when he returned to earth. "They can come at any time, they can come with any accent, they can imitate Inspector Clouseau," he says of his demons. Vincent takes an innumerable quantity of meds, and underwent more than 20 shock therapy sessions and dozens of brain scans. As a result, parts of his brain are "empty," he suffers from a failing memory, and he can no longer remember his own daughter. Tranquil shots capture Vincent as he knocks about his isolated house, where he spends his days woodcarving and caring for horses. The way he sees it, "There is no more lonely place than the human mind." The loneliness is expressed in shots of empty rooms and the vacant landscape. For Vincent, the turmoil that came with the voices is now replaced with a calm voice that told him, "Don't worry Roy, you will be met."
Screening copy
    London Film School
    London Film School