House for Sale
About IDFA
House for Sale
IDFA 2016

House for Sale

Casa en venta
Emanuel Giraldo Betancur
Cuba, Colombia
13 min
World Premiere
Festival history
Now that the ban on buying and selling houses in Castro’s socialist state has been lifted after more than 50 years, Cubans are developing all kinds of sales techniques to get the best deals on their properties. Three Cubans invite us into their homes and rather awkwardly make a sales pitch of their beloved living environment, full of memories, souvenirs and family members. The camera follows the residents as they give us a tour of their lived-in houses. A 60-year-old fridge, a peeling wall, a crooked countertop, the mother-in-law in her rocking chair and a muddy backyard full of trash and chickens are shown off as valuable treasures. Ultimately, it’s not the property itself so much as the history of each resident that fascinates. The emotion lies in the dedication and innocence with which the vendors show off their wares – and with them, their lives.
Screening copy