As Long as You Are Not Reminded Too Often
About IDFA
As Long as You Are Not Reminded Too Often
IDFA 2013

As Long as You Are Not Reminded Too Often

Feiko Beckers
5 min
Festival history
In his work, artist Feiko Beckers attempts to approach complex feelings and emotional events in such a way that they become clear and understandable. In his videos and performances, Beckers both recounts and stages stories from his own life, often revolving around personal failures, accidents or embarassments he has experienced, in an attempt to find answers to the unexpected and relentless nature of these unfortunate events. In , he shows us a continuously changing red dinner table. It starts out as a round table, then changes into a square and finally into a triangular table. These changes relate to the story that Beckers tells about battling loneliness and his solution: creating an environment that is only suitable for one person by throwing away everything in his apartment that reminds him of the presumed presence of others.
Screening copy
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