How to Become a Hero
About IDFA
How to Become a Hero
IDFA 2007

How to Become a Hero

Kako postati heroj
Mladen Maticevic
79 min
International Premiere
Festival history
In the summer of 2005, the 40-year-old Serbian filmmaker Maticevic finds himself in a typical midlife crisis. He felt he was a failure, especially as a filmmaker. With the necessary self-mockery, he concluded that none of his dreams to work with the likes of Clint Eastwood or Mel Gibson will ever come true. He is overweight and out of shape, and doesn't know how to change his situation. That is, until he sees a report on TV about the Rotterdam Marathon and becomes inspired. He makes a bet with a friend, saying he will finish the Belgrade Marathon the following year, and documents his struggle to achieve this goal with a camera. In this film, he consults a personal trainer, goes on a diet, and starts exercising, much to the amusement of his family and friends. Despite a setback and the sarcasm of those around him, he keeps at it. Slowly, his condition improves, he loses weight, and his outlook on life becomes brighter. The chances he will complete the 26-mile race are increasing. Gradually, running the marathon becomes a metaphor for daily life in post-war Serbia.
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    Visionary Thinking
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    Visionary Thinking