“I spent my entire life looking for that one person who would help me.” These are the words of 21-year-old Sharon Kovacs, an eccentric young Dutchwoman with a widely acclaimed singing voice. That one person turned out to be Oscar Holleman, the musician and producer who discovered the next Amy Winehouse in the young singer and went to work with her. Filmmaker Daan Willekens follows Kovacs and Holleman over the course of two hectic years, during which they travel around the world to achieve their musical goal. From the recording of the first songs in Cuba, through a contract meeting with a renowned record company in Hamburg, to their own studio where they compose and play against a backdrop of cigarette butts, bottles of vodka and record sleeves of Dutch legend Herman Brood. Meanwhile, the rambunctious and sensitive Kovacs – called “Wolflady” because of her fur capes, wigs and dark clothing – is also busy finishing school at the Rock City Institute in Eindhoven. This observational film not only shines a light on her fledgling career and her dealings with her producer, but also on her personal struggle with her turbulent childhood. Holleman also opens up, both in his contact with Kovacs and in short, supporting interviews.