Beauty Refugee
At first glance, filmmaker Claudia Lisboa's family doesn't look all that plastic. That said, almost every member of the clan has gotten to know the knife of her plastic surgeon-brother Sergio. Her sister Juliana can't look angry thanks to her anti-wrinkle injections, Sergio himself has undergone four nose reductions, their mother has had so many facelifts she is ageless, and even their dad got his eyes done. Claudia is the only one who has been spared from the knife, and that's a real eyesore for the rest of them. She calls herself a "beauty refugee" and lives in Sweden, far away from the obsessions of her Brazilian family. In this personal documentary, Claudia Lisboa visits her parents, brother, and sister in her country of birth. They tell her in plain words that she needs an urgent breast augmentation, nose correction, or Botox treatment. The camera follows the filmmaker as she interviews her individual family members. She asks her father why he would want a girlfriend who is 26 years his junior over someone his age ("because they didn't make me horny"), and her brother Sergio informs her that no one wants to have sex with "a grandma." In conversations with her parents, Claudia tries to reconstruct her youth and examines her own penchant for perfection.