Ellen ten Damme, As I Was Wondering Where This Mixed-Up Little Life of Mine Was Leading To
The headline of German tabloid De Bildzeitung reads: "Ellen ten Damme (38) has breast cancer," and runs an interview. Ten Damme, preparing for a gig with Udo Lindenberg, is taken by surprise: "They never even spoke to me!" Dutch magazine Party was fascinated by her illness and described how the singer was coping with her 'suffering'; without having spoken to her. Ten Damme: "Oh, I am using alternative medicine. Really!" Ellen ten Damme: singer, artist, Dutch celebrity and patient. In this film, we see the Ellen ten Damme we know. Energetic, singing, dancing, in control of the stage. But also a woman who can be shy, is worried, and undergoing treatment. When she hears the diagnosis, all she could do was cry, she says: "Because you have to tell your mother, that was the very worst thing." And: "It had been going so well for years, I was so happy and cheerful. Something just had to go wrong." From that moment on, this strong woman fought back. With support from her boyfriend, who had also faced cancer some years previously. Ten Damme was followed by the filmmaker for a number of months. The recordings are supplemented by an interview and various concert recordings.