IDFA 2009
Marcus Vetter, Karin Steinberger
90 min
World Premiere
Never before has food production been as high as it is today. All the same, there are still increasing numbers of people suffering from starvation. The urban poor in Haiti eat pies that consist mostly of mud. In one region of Kenya, half the children die of undernourishment. gives five people the chance to speak, people for whom not a day passes when they get enough to eat. All of them are very aware of the hopelessness of their situation. Their interpretations of the causes of their misfortune are complemented by local experts and activists -- partly through interviews, but more often by following them as they go about their work. We see visits by a Greenpeace activist to the victims of logging and soybean cultivation in the Amazon (including shocking images of concealed slave labor) alongside footage showing the operations of a large soybean farmer. In Kenya, we visit both the Masai, who suffer from terrible droughts, and the rose nursery that uses all the available water in the area. uses a different approach to describe the situation in Haiti, India, and Mauritania, but the message is essentially the same: through globalization, urbanization, and large-scale genetically modified food production, existing agrarian practices are being completely disrupted. Societies and individuals are no longer able to produce their own food. Worse still, local knowledge and crops are being lost forever.
Screening copy
Eikon Sudwest GmbH
Eikon Sudwest GmbH
Executive producer
Involved TV Channel