12th & Delaware
In 1991, an abortion clinic called the Woman World Medical Center opened its doors at the corner of 12th and Delaware in Fort Pierce, Florida. Eight years later, the Pregnancy Care Center set up shop across the road, staffed by members of the strictly religious pro-life movement, which equates abortion with murder. Every day the pro-lifers stand on the sidewalk calling out “God made you pregnant!” to the pregnant women – some of them still children themselves – as they enter the building. They hold protest signs featuring photos of mutilated aborted fetuses. If anyone enters the wrong building by accident, the Pregnancy Care Center provides inaccurate information, horror stories about abortion, or a free ultrasound emblazoned with the text “Hi Mommy and Daddy!” In , Heidi Ewing and Rachel Grady, makers of the Oscar®-nominated , intersperse observational footage of the daily goings-on on both sides of the street with conversations with the women who are considering abortion. Adding a good dose of humor, the film shows the practical effect a powerful conservative lobby can have on the self-determination of women.