Survivors - Days in Zhari Police Station
The officers at the Afghan police station in the Zhari district of Kandahar are at the front line of the war against the Taliban. From May 2007 to the summer of 2009, a South Korean camera crew filmed in this hotbed of violence where death is commonplace; on a daily basis, the officers are faced with the maimed bodies of the perpetrators and victims of bombings, and the reporters in this documentary do not shy away from these bloody scenes. The crew reports on the arrest of a Taliban combatant who pretends to be an innocent farmer, but who was arrested with a remote control for a bomb in his pocket. American soldiers coolly interrogate a young Afghan man with a bullet wound who is foaming at the lips, after having pushed him through an open car window, stretcher and all. The crew films the fathers and brothers of murder victims and despairing mothers who sold their daughters for $2,000. And they interview the underpaid police officers, many of whom are former smugglers or Taliban soldiers. With the intensification of Taliban attacks in the summer of 2009, many of the officers flee the police station. During the three years that the camera crew was covering Zhari, most of the policemen whom they met ended up dead, injured, or missing.