Village without Women
Zoran is in Albania, seated at a long table with 15 attractive Albanian women across from him. But which of these beauties would like to marry him? The Serbian brothers Zoran, Dragan and Rodoljub and their neighbor Velimir are the only remaining inhabitants in the small womenless town of Zabrdje on the top of a mountain. The three brothers are in the market for wives, but the problem is that in their village, no woman has been seen for the last 15 years. Most of the women have either died or moved to the city. The brothers are puzzled by this, for "all the men in the city are very weak." The threesome live on a remote farm under very primitive conditions, surrounded by picturesque haystacks and panoramic views. There is no running water, a baby sheep lives in the corner of the living room, and they are forced to peel the potatoes themselves. The solution might just be on the other side of the mountains, in Albania, where the situation is the other way around: lots of women, not very many men. Zoran's friend already managed to snare a spouse, but the memories of the war in Kosovo against ethnic Albanians are still fresh. The youngest brother Rodoljub is particularly adamant about not having an Albanian in his house. All the same, Zoran leaves on an organized trip to the rival country, in the market for a wife.