Timber Gang
About IDFA
Timber Gang
IDFA 2007

Timber Gang

Mu bang
Guangyi Yu
90 min
European Premiere
Festival history
Lumberjacks in a mountainous area of China use a method that has not changed for centuries. With their small, strong horses and sled, they transport the massive logs across the wintry landscape. follows a group of loggers during their last winter on a mountain. In ninety minutes, without comment, the film demonstrates what a gruelling life they lead. The men stay in humble cabins, where they eat, drink wine and sleep together. They rise at the crack of dawn, harness their horses and go up the mountain. In the forest, they cut down the trees and transport the logs downhill, to where the sawmill is. The landscape is inhospitable, the trails are steep and slippery due to the constantly falling snow; and the logs are unwieldy and hard to handle. Every now and then, the loggers perform rituals to placate the mountain god, because their job is not without dangers for man and animal. This will be the last year for the lumberjacks: there is not enough timber left in the forest. Therefore, in the spring they will break camp and start looking for other work in the city.
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    Fanhall Films
    Fanhall Films
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    Fanhall Films
    Fanhall Films