Carrière: 250 Meters
About IDFA
Carrière: 250 Meters
IDFA 2011

Carrière: 250 Meters

Carrière: 250 metros
Juan Carlos Rulfo
90 min
Dutch Premiere
Festival history
The French screenwriter Jean Claude Carrière is the star of this cinematic biography and journey into memory. The camera follows him as he travels from Paris to New York, Iran, India, and Mexico, sometimes with family, wife and children, and sometimes with friends and celebrated colleagues and ex-colleagues. Esthetically shot scenes alternate with hand-held street interviews. This film places Carrière himself center stage, whether in his voice-over or in on-camera reflections on his career and life. Now in his 80s, he collaborated with the master filmmaker Luis Buñuel, co-writing such classics as (1967) and (1977). He recently worked on the script for Michael Haneke's 2009 film . Carrière is generally held to be a key figure in contemporary cinema. He is fascinated by human nature. "What happened between and 9/11?" he wonders out loud in New York, for example. He discusses his love for stories, and he muses on world events and on places that hold particular significance for him. The old screenplay writer grew up in a rural winemaking community, and he hopes to die there, too - the house where he was born is only 250 yards from the cemetery where he plans to be buried.
Screening copy
    Filmadora Nacional
    Filmadora Nacional
World Sales
    B&W Films Ltd
    B&W Films Ltd