IDFA 2009
Last Train Home
Last Train Home On the Move
Lixin Fan
China, Canada
85 min
International Premiere
IDFA Award for Best Feature-Length Documentary
"We work far away from home. The old and young are still in the village. If the family can't even spend New Year together, life would be pointless." These are the words of one of the countless Chinese workers who make the heroic journey each year from the new industrial areas to their villages in the provinces. In a calm and observational style devoid of comment, Lixin Fan captures two years in the life of one of these families. The father and mother left the poverty of the country 16 years ago to try their luck in the new economic zones, leaving their daughter behind with her grandparents. Now they work long hours in one of the numerous gray factories that supplies the West with cheap clothing. That said, the most toilsome endeavor is the New Year trip. The sight of the multitude gathered at the station is disconcerting, and the couple waits for a ticket for days. When a snowstorm throws rail service into disorder, the chaos is complete. They still manage time and again, but will they also succeed in keeping the family together and ensuring an education for their children, with the money they send home? Painful moments reveal that the patience the Chinese are known for has its limits.
Distribution Benelux
Jan Vrijman Fund
Jan Vrijman Fund
Screening copy
World Sales
Involved TV Channel
Channel 4,
Super Channel,
Channel 4,
Super Channel,