Bosnian Rhapsody at the Margins of Science
About IDFA
Bosnian Rhapsody at the Margins of Science
IDFA Bertha Fund 2004

Bosnian Rhapsody at the Margins of Science

Bosanska rapsodija: Na rubu znanosti
Vesna Ljubic
Festival history
Among the various ethnic groups in Bosnia-Herzegovina, mysticism, magic and religion have always been important. Influenced by the Middle-East and Turkey, Bosnians pay a great deal of attention to medicine men. They also believe that peoples' illnesses have a lot to say about the condition of society as a whole. In the aftermath of the war, the country is attempting to cure itself of a nationwide trauma. People were driven from their homes, lost their families, are depressed, desperate and uprooted. What's more, contemporary politics often leads to alienation and the loss of familiar values. People turn to the tried and tested methods of the past, which include the Russian Orthodox faith as well as the various pagan belief systems. In organized exorcisms, Bosnians try to drive out their own demons. Moroccan healers "infuse" spring water for 15,000 people at once, while monks share their recipes. Who would ever have thought that a cup of horseradish tea can help pass a kidney stone, or that the juice of a radish can bring relief for a painful scrotum? In this documentary, we meet shamans, healers, prophets, priests and scientists who discuss the tradition of quackery in Bosnia. Religious music and Gregorian chanting adorn the film with a mystical atmosphere.
Distribution Benelux
    IDFA Bertha Fund
    IDFA Bertha Fund