We Are Not Alone
About IDFA
We Are Not Alone
IDFA 2015

We Are Not Alone

No estamos solos
Pere Joan Ventura
78 min
International Premiere
Festival history
Since the beginning of the economic crisis in Spain and the rigorous austerity program that followed, millions of citizens have taken to the streets to protest against the waves of cuts, privatizations and evictions. The most well known of these is the May 15 movement, the spontaneous protest movement that arose in 2011 to argue for more direct democracy and against corruption in the political and financial world. is a sampler of a whole range of different movements and initiatives that have grown up over the years in Spain, as well as a plea for greater solidarity. We meet two feminist groups from Gijon who are fighting new anti-abortion legislation, a man who has dedicated his life to producing protest signs for countless demonstrations, and an activist opera company that parodies the housing bubble and other problems in its productions. We also see a number of “performances” by Flo6x8, a collective that uses music and dance to protest against the misdeeds of the banking world – for example, by organizing a spontaneous flamenco act in a bank’s offices. Taken together, these short portraits show that the concerned and angry citizens of Spain are not alone.
Screening copy
    Films 59
    Films 59
    Asuntos y Cuestiones Varias
    Asuntos y Cuestiones Varias