Print the Legend
The previous technical revolution was all about bits; the current one is all about atoms. Following the titanic battle between Apple and Microsoft for computer users, the scene of action has now shifted to 3D printers for consumers. They can produce anything you want, from candelabras to prosthetics. Directors Luis Lopez and J. Clay Tweel have shared experience behind the scenes of documentaries such as , and . They grabbed the zeitgeist by the horns in 2009, and they’ve been following the race to create widely usable 3D printers ever since. An amiable hipster from Brooklyn named Bre Pettis started MakerBot. Two years later, the hyper-intelligent introvert Max Lobovsky and two assistants set up the high-tech Formlabs, which is equally intent on getting the 3D printer to the mass market. Which of these two head honchos will be the next Steve Jobs? Rather than focusing on events, the filmmakers concentrate on the characters of the chief protagonists. As a consequence, remains engaging throughout. The skillful editing makes for smart plot twists and a gradual buildup of tension. What’s the price of the American dream?