Orgasm Inc.
According to research carried out in the 1990s, 43% of American women suffer from FSD: Female Sexual Dysfunction. High time that there was a decent remedy for this sexual problem, no? Pharmaceutical company Vivus is one of the many enterprises hoping to pioneer "Viagra for women."
Hired by Vivus to compile an erotic video for test subjects, documentary filmmaker Liz Canner became intrigued by the phenomenon. What exactly is FSD? Is it really a disease? And how big a coincidence is it that all the debates on FSD are sponsored by the pharmaceutical industry?
She followed developments within this multi-million dollar sector over a nine-year period, speaking to scientists, psychiatrists, and porn consultants about the possible need for medication. In the meantime, armed with a healthy dose of curiosity, she sets out to identify the sexual problems women experience. She visits the Good Vibrations vibrator museum, she talks to a woman who is voluntarily testing a massage device called an orgasmatron because she has never had an orgasm during intercourse, and she meets Leonore Tiefer, chair of A New View Campaign, which argues the case that women's sexual problems are a great deal more complex than the industry would have us believe.