IDFA thanks
Premium Partners
Main Partners
IDFA is subsidized and funded by
Founding Partners Het Documentaire Paviljoen
Partners Het Documentaire Paviljoen
Thanks to all contribution from our Partners to the theater, and to all individuals, Friends and Special Friends(+) who contributed to the crowdfunding campaign.
IDFA Talent Development Program is supported by
IDFA Education Program is supported by
IDFA DocLab is supported by
DocLab Research Collaborations
IDFA Forum is supported by
IDFA Bertha Fund is supported by
Donations to IDFA
AVROTROS, BNNVARA, Better Places, Buma Music in Motion, HUMAN, KRO-NCRV, LaScam, NTR, and See NL / Eye Filmmuseum.
Travel & Stay Support by
Cinecittà and Embassy of Sweden
Accuraat, Alvero, ARTIS-Planetarium, BeamSystems, Bijlmerbios, Boels Rentals, Café Kuyl, Choo-Choo, Cinema De Vlugt, De Balie, De Kleine Komedie, De Meervaart, DeLaMar Theater, @droog, Eden Hotel Amsterdam, Event Engineers, Eye Filmmuseum, Felix Meritis, Festivaltickets, Filmtechniek BV, Fiona Online, FlexIt, Frascati, Green Producers Club, Héman, HumanitAir, Het Ketelhuis, Ibis, INDYVIDEO, Internationaal Theater Amsterdam (ITA), inVision Subtitling, Jonk Sign, Koninklijk Theater Carré, Kriterion, Louwman, MacBike, Man & Van, Mausolos, Plantscapes, Prinsengracht Hotel, Reflower, Rex International, Rialto, Riwi-collotype, Stichting Audiovisuele Toegankelijkheid, Tobacco Theater, VBVB Cultuurautomatisering, Vers van Gijs, Vlaams Cultuurhuis de Brakke Grond, Volkshotel, WeMakeVR and Xebia.
Mobility Partner