Slinke Moker
About IDFA
Slinke Moker
IDFA 2006

Slinke Moker

South Side
Erna Slotboom
55 min
World Premiere
Festival history
It is the end of 2005. Police officers see three boys pushing a car, and they proceed to jump in and drive away. The officers run the license plate and find out that the car is stolen. After a wild chase through Amsterdam-West, the car smashes into a tree. The 18-year-old driver, an Amsterdam resident of Moroccan origin, is dead on the scene, and the three passengers are all wounded. In this film, the deceased car thief gets a name and a face. A few months after the accident, his younger brother, friends and acquaintances talk about what kind of kid he was and what he meant to them. His girlfriend tells about how he had the guts to ring her doorbell and talk to her mother, and his brother remembers how he used to take him to museums. A kid from Martinique smokes a joint with his friend in Amsterdam-South; he knows that street youth in the rest of the world has it much worse than they do. A young man makes music with the boys and warns them repeatedly not to give in to the temptations of the street, but to finish school and learn a trade.
Screening copy
Involved TV Channel
    RTV Noord-Holland
    RTV Noord-Holland