Supermensch The Legend of Shep Gordon
About IDFA
Supermensch The Legend of Shep Gordon
IDFA 2013

Supermensch The Legend of Shep Gordon

Mike Myers
United States
84 min
European Premiere
Festival history
Anyone who has worked in the American entertainment industry in the past few decades knows who Shep Gordon is. Manager of such artists as Alice Cooper, Blondie and Luther Vandross, Gordon is a living legend who, between his wild life and booming career, still found the time to invent the "celebrity chef" phenomenon. A remarkable person full of fantastic stories, he is also blessed with a personality that is at once empathetic and feisty. In the words of his friend Michael Douglas, "He has the ability of real compassion, but also can be a motherfucker." In this debut film from actor Mike Myers, we get a portrait of a true phenomenon who operated in a time when no one really knew how to effectively promote a musician. Gordon's life consisted of sex ("No head, no backstage pass"), drugs and rock 'n' roll, and luckily a nice big pot of money. In the words of Alice Cooper, who has been Gordon's client for the past 43 years, "He wrote the book, and everybody else is reading from it." Through archive footage, photos and countless incredible off-hand anecdotes about the business, we get a picture of a man who has squeezed so many adventures into one career that he has often had to pay the price in his personal life.
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    A&E IndieFilms
    A&E IndieFilms